The PicoBoard allows you to create interactions with various sensors. Using the Scratch programming language, you can easily create simple interactive programs based on the input from sensors. The PicoBoard incorporates a light sensor, sound sensor, a button and a slider, as well as 4 additional inputs that can sense electrical resistance via included cables.
Designed for educators and beginners, the PicoBoard is a good way to get into the very basics of programming and reading sensors.
Scratch has evolved a lot from Scratch 1.4 to Scratch 3 since the debut of CuteDigi PicoBoard.
For all versions of scratch, we need a USB driver. The CuteDigi picoboard uses a USB to UART chip of model CP2102. The USB driver can be downloaded from SiLabs website.
Scratch 1.4:
The offline version Scratch 1.4 can be downloaded from here. The CuteDigi picoboard can be called using the sensing module.
Scratch 2.0:
To enable picoboard, click ‘More blocks”, Click “Add an extension”, Select picoboard, the got turns green to indicate that that picoboard is connected.
Scratch 3.0:
For scratch 3.0, please refer to oneGPIO scratch 3.0 website.